The Provincial Assembly of the Punjab: An In-Depth Overview

Mission and Work Scope

The primary mission of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab is to legislate on matters within the provincial domain, manage the provincial finances, and ensure executive accountability. Its work encompasses:

  • Legislation: Enacting laws on subjects enumerated in the Provincial Legislative List, as well as matters in the Concurrent Legislative List, provided they do not conflict with federal laws.
  • Financial Oversight: Approving the provincial budget, scrutinizing expenditures, and ensuring the proper allocation of resources.
  • Executive Accountability: Holding the provincial government accountable through various parliamentary procedures, including questions, motions, and debates.

Hierarchy and Composition

The Assembly comprises 371 members, distributed as follows:

  • General Seats: 297 members elected directly from constituencies.
  • Reserved Seats for Women: 66 members, allocated through proportional representation to ensure gender diversity.
  • Reserved Seats for Non-Muslims: 8 members, also allocated via proportional representation to ensure minority representation.

The leadership hierarchy includes:

  • Speaker: Presides over Assembly sessions, ensuring orderly conduct and adherence to parliamentary procedures.
  • Deputy Speaker: Assists the Speaker and assumes their duties in their absence.
  • Chief Minister: The head of the provincial government, leading the executive branch and forming the Cabinet.
  • Leader of the Opposition: Heads the largest party not in government, providing alternative policies and holding the government accountable.

Duties and Functions

The Assembly’s duties include:

  • Legislative Functions: Debating and passing bills on provincial matters.
  • Financial Functions: Approving the annual budget and any supplementary grants.
  • Oversight Functions: Monitoring the actions of the provincial government and holding it accountable through various parliamentary tools.


The Assembly’s infrastructure is designed to facilitate its legislative functions:

  • Assembly Building: Located on Shahrah-e-Quaid-Azam (The Mall) in Lahore, the building houses the Assembly Chamber, committee rooms, and offices for members and staff.
  • New Assembly Hall: Inaugurated on January 2, 2023, this hall accommodates 500 members, with additional seating for visitors and media personnel. It includes facilities such as the Speaker’s Chamber, record room, media room, and a library.
  • Residential Facilities: Members have access to residential hostels, such as Pipal’s House, providing accommodation during Assembly sessions.

Committees and Support Services

The Assembly operates through various committees that focus on specific areas:

  • Standing Committees: Oversee the work of government departments and agencies.
  • Select Committees: Formed to address specific issues or bills.
  • Public Accounts Committee: Examines the government’s financial accounts and expenditures.

Support services include:

  • Research and Reference Division: Provides members with information and research assistance.
  • Library and Computer Sections: Offer resources and technological support for legislative work.

Recent Developments

In recent years, the Assembly has undertaken initiatives to enhance its functionality:

  • Strategic Planning: A three-year Strategic Plan was developed to improve human, financial, and infrastructural resources.
  • Automation and Transparency: Efforts have been made to digitize records and proceedings, promoting transparency and efficiency.


The Provincial Assembly of the Punjab is a cornerstone of provincial governance, playing a crucial role in legislation, financial oversight, and executive accountability. Through its structured hierarchy, dedicated committees, and ongoing reforms, it strives to serve the people of Punjab effectively and efficiently.

Other Useful Information


Download MPA’s list of Punjab Assembly in PDF

Download Punjab Assembly Telephone directory in PDF

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